
02 May, 2006


The world inside the so-called New Economy is a world that never stand still. Competition between companies is furious. The winner is increasingly chosen not just because it has the best products but is judged on many other things.

In short, you are no longer just selling a product, you are selling a way of life. That's where the phrase Lifestyle Products come from.

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The winners must have excellent cosmetic design, marketing etc. In short, these winners must construct for their various "audiences" an excellent corporate communication package in addition to mere marketing. These initiatives must contain some of the following:

1. The product MUST appeal to the lifestyle of the users.

2. The product Must be seen as essential to consumers image.

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3. The company is there to CO-DEVELOP the product line with the consumers.

4. The company is an INTEGRAL member of the society that is ever ready to sponsor social events, raise emergency relief funds for disaster, support social causes.

5. The company MUST be seen as an ETHICAL member of the society it does business in.

Your job for this assignment is to analyse how corporate communication is no longer separable from mere product development if a company wish to be successful.



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